Family Caregivers Webinar Series
Debbie Wisinski, Family Service Coordinator, Greater PA Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association presents Coping Strategies for the Alzheimer Caregiver.
Dr. Barry J. Jacobs, Director of Behavioral Sciences, Center for Family Health, Crozer Keystone Health System presents Caregiver Emotional Survival.
Lois Shelton, RN and Aging Services Specialist presents Health and Self-Care for the Caregiver.
Cindy Haines, Chief Counsel at the PA Department of Aging, Office of Long-Term Living presents Legal Issues for the Caregiver.
Dr. Kenneth Brubaker, Chief Medical Director of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging and Office of Long-Term Living presents Resources for Care in the Community.
Diane A. Menio, Executive Director of CARIE-Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interest of the Elderly presents Caregiver GPS: Navigating Long-Term Services and Supports.
In this first installment of the Family Caregiver Webinar Series, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, Brian Duke gives an introduction of the webinar series. Click here to learn more about the Caregiver Support Program or contact your local Area Agency on Aging.
Dr. Linda Rhodes, former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging presents Caregiving 101 that provides the basics and the foundation to assist you in your caregiving and to make it more informed.